Multi-LNG White STS

Multi-LNG White STS Composite Hoses are specialized composite hoses designed for specific applications in the handling of liquefied natural gas (LNG). These hoses are typically used in offshore environments, particularly for Ship-to-Ship (STS) transfer operations involving LNG. LNG is stored and transported at extremely low temperatures, typically around -164°C, and Multi-LNG White STS Composite Hoses are engineered to safely transfer LNG under these conditions.

Multi-LPG White
Eigenschaften der Produkte:
Innerer Draht:Stainless Steel 316
Karkasse:Polyamide fabrics, Polyester films
Äußerer Draht:Stainless Steel 316
Arbeitsdruck:10 bar
Maximale Länge:30 Meter
Verfügbare Größen:4 up to 10 inch