¿Cuándo debe poner defensas en su barco?

When Should You Put Fenders on Your Boat

Boating fenders are excellent accessories that have been used for many decades. They protect the boats from damage during collisions. However, they can only do their job effectively when deployed at the right time. Right? This brings a question: when should you put fenders on your boat?    This question looks simple; the answer is…

¿Utiliza talco el airbag de caucho vulcanizado?


Marine fenders and airbags have become a must-have for maritime industries. Vulcanized rubber is generally used to make those airbags. This rubber is strong, durable, and elastic, making it ideal for bear shocks and wear. However, many people ask: does vulcanized rubber airbag use talcum powder?   The answer is YES. Most marine or automobile…

6 Aspectos básicos de las boyas marinas: Aspectos a tener en cuenta

6 Basics of Marine Buoys: Things to Consider!

Marine buoys are of the utmost importance in maritime navigation. Their presence ensures ships’ safe passage. Despite their value, many people don’t understand the basics of marine buoys. This is because buoys have many types, which cause confusion.   Some of them are used at a trim level to navigate small boats. On the flip…

¿Cómo elegir las defensas marinas adecuadas?

How to Choose the Right Marine Fenders

Marine fenders are safety equipment and are technically compulsory for every vessel. They typically act as a cushion between ships and berthing areas. During docking and mooring, when a boat arrives at a pier, it experiences a sudden hit. Marine fenders generally play a crucial role in absorbing the impact.   The main job of…