Multi-Chem Black

Multi-Chem Black hoses have been specifically crafted for chemicals that can corrode metal components, such as Chlorine, Hydrochloric Acid, and Sulfuric Acid. These hoses are manufactured with an inner wire coated in Polypropylene, along with layers of fabric and films.Jerryborg Multi-Chem Red hoses are produced and certified to International standards like EN 13765, IMO IBC and PED regulations.

Muiti-Chem Black
Propiedades de los productos:
Cable interior: Acero inoxidable 316
Forro: Polipropileno
Carcasa: Tejidos de polipropileno, películas de BOPP
Tapa: PVC recubierto de poliéster
Cable exterior: Acero galvanizado o acero inoxidable 316
Presión de trabajo: 7, 10,5 y 14 bar
Longitud máxima: 30 metros
Tallas disponibles: 1 hasta 16 pulgadas