O que deve ser evitado durante a ancoragem?


Ships and vessels exhibit anchoring more often to stay stable in water. This practice ensures the safety of vessels during harsh weather conditions. However, anchoring is not as easy as it seems. Small mistakes can result in wrong anchoring. Therefore, knowing what should be avoided when anchoring is very important.    Have you ever heard…

Qual o tamanho das defensas de barco que eu preciso?

What Size Boat Fenders Do I Need

Fenders protect the boats and large ships effectively. However, if their size is inaccurate, their effectiveness can be affected. The right size matters when it comes to fenders. People seem to be double-minded when choosing the right size of fender. So, they ask: What size boat fenders do I need?   Interestingly, there is no…

Quando você deve colocar defensas em seu barco?

When Should You Put Fenders on Your Boat

Boating fenders are excellent accessories that have been used for many decades. They protect the boats from damage during collisions. However, they can only do their job effectively when deployed at the right time. Right? This brings a question: when should you put fenders on your boat?    This question looks simple; the answer is…

O airbag de borracha vulcanizada usa pó de talco?


Marine fenders and airbags have become a must-have for maritime industries. Vulcanized rubber is generally used to make those airbags. This rubber is strong, durable, and elastic, making it ideal for bear shocks and wear. However, many people ask: does vulcanized rubber airbag use talcum powder?   The answer is YES. Most marine or automobile…