Типы, материалы и советы по обслуживанию якорных цепей

Types, Materials, and Maintenance Tips for Anchor Chains

Anchor chains are crucial in keeping marine vessels in place, even in bad weather conditions. They offer a solid connection between the anchor and the ship. It won’t be wrong to say that they are pivots for the safe and tension-free stay of the vessel in the sea.   No one ignores their importance. However,…

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Разница между кнехтами и лодочными клипсами

Difference Between Bollards And Boat Cleats

Introduction   Mooring and docking are crucial for boat storage, loading, unloading, and safety. That means you can’t bring in amateur solutions that compromise the security of your boats and cause damage during the loading process. So, what options do you have in that case? Usually, bollards and boat cleats are two ways to secure your…

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Как отремонтировать воздушную подушку для запуска корабля? 

Repair A Ship-Launching Airbag

Introduction Extended use of a ship-launching airbag in the boating industry has raised standards. Everyday collision and accident cases have raised concerns for better security methods. Ship-launching airbags are one of the best options to offer safety to your boats when launching them in the water. Unfortunately, the marine airbag is not immune to the punctures…

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Как заменить и установить резиновые подкрылки

How to Replace and Install Rubber Fenders

Introduction   Rubber fenders are game-changers of the marine industry. From berthing to ship-to-ship transport, they are extremely helpful. Reduce the risks of damages. And keep your ships unassailable for extended periods. What if your fenders get damaged and irreparable in a collision? Always replace it with a new one to get the optimal performance you…

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Типы морских крыльев

Types of Marine Fenders

Marine fenders help boats, ships and other naval vessels to avoid collision with each other and or against docks, wharves and piers. Another name used for them is marine bumpers; since boats can hit the port with brutal force while parking, marine fenders are compulsory equipment for naval transport.   There are numerous types of…

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Как отремонтировать судовые подушки безопасности?

How To Repair Ship Airbags

Introduction Ship airbags are one of the most vital components of an ocean voyage. These have different names. Such as ship launching airbags, airlift bags, salvage bags, or roller bags. These bags aim to launch marine vessels, salvage stranded ships, and move sunken ships. Such is the importance of these bags that no ship goes…

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