What are Marine Fenders?

What Are Marine Fenders

Ⅰ. Application of Marine Fenders   Marine protective rubber products (Marine Fenders) are a kind of rubber products used to protect ships and dock facilities. They are usually installed on piers, docks, ships, and other marine structures. Marine Fenders absorb and mitigate the collision force between a ship and a pier or other structure.  …

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Versatile Applications of Composite Hoses | Comprehensive Guide


Ⅰ、SHIP TO SHIP   1.SHIP TO SHIP TRANSFER HOSES STS hoses typically refer to Composite Hose. They are used in the context of Ship-to-Ship (STS) transfer operations. STS transfer involves the transfer of various substances. Examples include oil, chemicals, or liquefied natural gas (LNG). The transfer occurs between two vessels positioned side by side on…

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Пневматическое ограждение Yokohama для причала танкеров в малазийском порту Кемаман

Jerryborg Marine предлагает профессиональное проектирование причальных пневматических крыльев, осуществляемое нашим местным торговым агентом.

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Судовая спусковая подушка весом 7000 тонн для верфи Вьетнама

This bulk cargo ship is the first launching to Ha Long Bay area among the eight-series ships ordered with 30units Jerryborg marine airbags ( Diameter 1.5m x Effective length 18.0 m ). The bulk cargo ship weighs 7000 MT, 157 meters long, 28 meters wide and 12 meter height.

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Китай ротационное формование HDPE плавучие буи PE плавучий понтон

China Rotational Moulding HDPE Floating Buoys PE Floating Pontoon With our focus on durability, highly engineered products, and customer service, Jerryborg Marine is always looking for innovative ways to tackle difficult and common issues in the industry.

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