Multi-Vapor Yellow

Multi-Vapor Yellow hoses are designed specifically for chemical and Hydrocarbon vapor recovery service on ship, barge and in terminal operations. This hose has an internal wire made of Galvanized Steel or Polypropylene coated Steel and a Polypropylene lining.Multi-Vapor hoses are known for their ability to withstand vacuum, their lightweight construction, and their exceptional flexibility.Jerryborg Multi-Vapor Yellow hoses are produced and certified to International standards like EN 13765, IMO IBC and PED regulations.

Multi-Chem Yellow
Свойства продукции:
Внутренний провод:Polypropylene coated steel, Galvanized or Stainless Steel 316
Подкладка:Polypropylene or PTFE
Туша:Полипропиленовые ткани, БОПП-пленки
Обложка:ПВХ с полиэфирным покрытием
Внешний провод:Оцинкованная сталь или нержавеющая сталь 316
Рабочее давление:5 bar
Максимальная длина:30 метров
Доступные размеры:1 до 12 дюймов