Top 10 Shipyards in the World

Are you in search of the top 10 shipyards in the world? You’re on the right platform. Ships or vessels are a cost-effective solution for goods transportation. The shipbuilding industry has a market size of $207.15 billion. Many new vessels start their journey in the ocean every month.


However, only a few countries have trustworthy shipyards. China has a prominent 59% share of the shipbuilding industry. This guide will be truly dedicated to shipyards. We will explore different brands and their capabilities. So, let’s jump into it!


Overview of Shipyards


Shipyards are facilities for manufacturing or repairing ships. They play a critical role in the sustainability of the maritime industry. These facilities have their dry docks for taking boats out of water for repairs. In simple words, shipyards make new vessels and offer repair services.


Different types of shipyards are available, including smaller and larger ones. Smaller shipyards make only small boats, and their facilities are usually limited. However, large shipyards can make large vessels. 


Such large vessels are suitable for transporting goods through the ocean. Some governments also own shipyards. The states usually own those for their naval operations. Such shipyards are known as military shipyards, and only military vessels operate there. Let’s discuss the different shipyards in the world in depth.


Top 10 Shipyards in the World 


I know that finding a reliable shipyard is a daunting task. Choosing newer or unreliable shipyards can be a significant loss. However, you don’t need to worry. I’ve done all the hard work to make life easier for you.


The ideal shipyards always value the customers. Their experience and reliability should speak instead of their tongues. You would like to avoid making mistakes while choosing shipyards. Therefore, let me give you the top 10 shipbuilding facilities in the world. So, let’s start the countdown!


1- Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI)

Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI)

This facility, present in Ulsan, South Korea, is the world’s largest shipyard. It was founded back in 1974 by Chung Ju-Yung. This facility made the first oil tankers in 1976. After this, this facility started to make bulk carriers.


In 2015, HHI made the world’s first floating LNG storage and regasification unit (FSRU). Official resources say the shipyard makes about $33.89 billion in revenue each year. This indicates the success and efficiency of this shipyard. 


Let’s discuss the size and dimensions of this shipyard. It is spread 4 kilometers along the coast of Mipo Bay. Overall, this facility has a total land area of  1,780 acres. This shipyard consists of ten large-scale dry docks supporting various ships’ dimensions. It also has large-scale cranes and welding facilities.


2- Imabari Shipbuilding

Imabari Shipbuilding

This relatively young shipyard is based in Japan. It is not a competitor to Hyundai, as mentioned above. The overall area of this shipyard is limited compared to the giant shipyard’s. Imabari’s annual revenue is just 3.43 billion dollars.


However, it is equipped with the most impressive port facilities. It has seven docks for constructing large vessels. What makes this shipyard special is that it has all the modern technology. One of its main specialties is its experience building container ships and bulk carriers.


It is a fact that there are many other profitable or biggest shipyards in the world. They may be better than this shipyard and have a more advanced and productive system. However, Imabari is popular for its great repair services. It has a strong reputation for fixing large ships.


3- Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI)

Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI)

This is the second Korean shipyard, with the largest facility in Geoje. Its annual revenue is around 8 billion US dollars. Founded in 1974, it is still making a good market share. This Samsung shipyard is one of the biggest five shipyards in Korea.


This shipyard has three dry docks for constructing ships. Its success is due to its large size and excellent financial position. In the 2000s, this company launched the first floating dock, which enhanced its workability.


This company has 8,775 employees and has received 1,417 ship orders worldwide. These numbers indicate success and excellence. Above all, this company has achieved these numbers in a short time since its foundation.


4- JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation

JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation

The JSC United Shipping building works under the Russian government. Founded in March 2007, this shipyard has excellent expertise in making marine vessels. It has constructed over 300 ships and manufactures almost 80% of them in Russia.


What I like the most about this corporation is its rapid success. As I mentioned, this shipyard was founded back in 2007. In less than a decade, it has achieved around $5.58 billion in annual revenue. The primary reason behind its success is the support of the Russian government.


Keep in mind that this is not a private shipyard. The Government of Russia funds this company. It has made many Russian ships and naval vessels. According to Wikipedia, this company has more than 80000 employees. Such numbers are only needed when a company operates on a larger scale.


5- Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME)


This shipyard has experienced many ups and downs in its journey. However, it remains one of the top three shipbuilders in Korea. The company is based in Seoul, South Korea, and its annual revenue is around 10.98 billion dollars.

Interestingly, this shipyard became shady due to fraud and went bankrupt. However, the Government of Korea bailed it out in 2017. Daewoo Shipbuilding Corporation makes many products, including LNG carriers, icebreakers, and container vessels.


What makes this shipyard different from others is its naval ship-making. The company manufactures warships for different countries. Its ships and vessels are exported, usually to Indonesia and the United Kingdom. This ensures high revenue and profit, as the warships are very expensive.


Quick Note: Hanwha Group has acquired this shipyard. Previously, some experts expected Hyundai to buy the shares of this Daewoo shipyard. However, the Hanwha group took over this shipyard and renamed it Hanwha Ocean.


6- China Shipbuilding Group (CSG)


There were two leading shipyard companies in the past. They both had good names among competitors. The first company was China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC). The second was China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC).


Both of these shipbuilding companies were merged on 26 November 2019. The primary reason behind this was the corruption in the CSIC shipyard. They are now collectively known as China Shipbuilding Group (CSG).


China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation was a specialist in manufacturing naval ships. It is vital to note that both of these companies were state-owned. The government controlled their whole system, structure, and finances. However, their merger proved to be very beneficial.


Quick Info: China Shipping Group currently generates annual revenue of US$110 billion. These shipbuilders are the major players in China’s shipping-making industry. Overall, they hold 20% of the ship’s production worldwide.


7- Damen Shipyards Group

Damen Shipyards Group

This group belongs to the Netherlands. Jan Damen and Marinus Damen founded this shipyard back in 1927. Initially, it served Dutch clients. However, the company’s growth has been exponential. Now, it exports its products to over 120 countries worldwide.


Currently, the navies of different countries use Damen ships and vessels. The top clients of this company are as follows:


  • USA Coast Guard
  • Hong Kong Marine Police
  • Hong Kong Marine Police
  • Jamaican Defence Forces


Damen Shipyard Group makes € 2.5 billion in annual revenue. This indicates the success of this company. Since 1969, this company has manufactured and exported 5,000 vessels. These numbers are enormous when compared with other shipyards.


8- BAE Systems Maritime

BAE Systems Maritime

Operating in over 40 countries, this shipyard is known for its naval ships. Many countries’ forces rely on this shipbuilder for warships. This company produces not only warships but also submarines and other products. However, the primary focus of this company is to produce  all products that are used by militaries.


This company is based in the United Kingdom. Founded in July 2008, BAE shipyard has seen rapid growth. Its annual revenue is around £1.12 Billion. Remember that this shipyard does not produce ships or vessels for civilians.


9- Fincantieri S.p.A


This company started its journey as a state-dependent entity. Its growth was decently faster due to aid from the government. However, it later became an independent corporation. It is an Italian Shipyard that produces a variety of products.


In the above section, we discussed the shipyard dedicated to military ships. However, this company produces vessels for both army and civilians. Here is the list of their products:


  • Yachts (luxury)
  • Cruise ships
  • Warships for military 
  • Oil tankers for transportation 
  • Submarines and their engines


This company is headquartered in Trieste, Italy. It has a well-equipped equipment repair center in Italy, where naval ship maintenance is ensured. This shipyard recently acquired Yard, giving it more exposure in the European market. Its annual revenue is around €7.65 billion.


10- Japan Marine United Corporation

Japan Marine United Corporation

JMU was formed in 2013 due to mergers. The mergers involved companies like IHI Corporation and Sumitomo Industries. In Japan, it is the second largest shipyard after Imabari shipbuilding. What makes this company stand out is its adoption of newer technology.


This company’s vessels have an integrated AI system. This artificial system improves their function and gives them a smart feel. Its headquarters are in Yokohama, Japan. Let’s discuss the versatility of their products.


This shipyard typically makes ships and vessels for the masses. However, its naval and warships also contributed to its success. Under this shipyard’s supervision, merchant and defensive vessels are made and exported. Its ship facilities are available in Kure, Hiroshima, Nagasu, and other places.


Factors to Consider When Choosing a Shipyard


Choosing a specific shipyard can be challenging. The quality of the shipyard matters the most when you buy a ship or look to get it repaired. In the section above, we have discussed some of the best shipyards available in the world. However, you might not like them for any reason. 


So, you’ll have to do your search and choose the one. But I will not leave you alone wandering in search of the best. Here are some key factors you should remember while finding the shipyards.


  • First, the location of the ship must be near to you
  • The shipyards must be capable in terms of capacity.
  • The shipyards have an experienced workforce to handle the project
  • The past work and reviews of the clients must be considered
  • Shipyard must offer after-sales support and warranty
  • You should check shipyard compliance with international quality standards


If you consider this advice, you’ll find a reliable shipyard. Remember that the vessels’ prices are the ultimate decision-makers. It would be ideal if you pay extra heed while deciding on a budget. Don’t be too tight, as it will affect quality. Don’t waste too much money, either. You should balance price and performance.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the biggest shipyard in the world?


HHI (Hyundai Heavy Industries) in Ulsan, South Korea, is the biggest shipyard in the world. It covers around 1,780 acres and has multiple dry and floating docks.


Which country is best for shipbuilding?


South Korea has the largest shipbuilding industry in the world. Japan and China are also dominant players in the shipyard business.


How many shipyards are there in the world?


Approximately 1,200 active shipyards operate around the world. These numbers can vary as the real-life data changes quickly.


What is the biggest Turkish shipyard?


Sedef Shipyard is Turkey’s biggest shipyard. Established in 1972, it produces both merchant and military ships and vessels.


Which shipyard built the Titanic?


Harland & Wolff shipyard built and maintained the Titanic in 1909. Unfortunately, this ship faced tragedy and sank in the deep ocean.




There are many shipyards in the world. However, their quality and performance vary from one another. Some of them are excellent and deserve appreciation. But most of those could be more user-friendly. So, in these conditions, choosing one shipyard can be super hard.


Therefore, I have written this dedicated guide on the best shipyards in the world. You can choose from those and place your orders. They are so good that they will meet your expectations. You can contact us immediately if you need vessel accessories such as fenders.