Jerryborg Rubber Oil Boom
Jerryborg Rubber Oil Boom is rugged enough to be used in emergencies as well as for long term use. It’s built with strong synthetic fibers and coated in high-quality rubber, making it work in almost any environment. You’ll often find it used in open seas, bays, harbors, rivers, and around oil platforms, refineries, and storage areas.The smooth rubberized surface helps guide spilled oil for easy cleanup. It resists oil, scratches, saltwater, and UV rays, so it stays flexible and reliable even in tough conditions. Its buoyant design allows it to remain stable in changing waters while effectively controlling oil spills.
Jerryborg rubber oil booms are available in three types: solid flotation, soft flotation and inflatable. Different categories of booms are also suitable for different scenarios, Jerryborg is committed to meet the needs of different scenarios of oil spill control!